What information should you mention in self introduction in a new class
Jawaban Terkonfirmasi
1. Your full name –> nama lengkap mu
2. Your nick name –> nama panggilanmu
3. Your address –> alamatmu
4. Your birthday –> tanggal lahirmu
5. Your hobby –> hobby mu
6. Your favourite subject –> pelajaran favorit mu
7. Your origin –> asal mu
8. Reason why you move into that school –> alasan kenapa kamu berpindah ke sekolah itu
9. Your age –> umurmu
10. Your grade –> kelas mu
Tandai jawabanku yang terbaik ya…
Kalau jawaban saya kurang jelas, silahkan tanya
1) Your full name
2) Your nick name
3) Your address
4) where you came from
1) Your hobby
2) About your parents
3) Reason of why you're moving to the new class