What is Birds, snakes, dogs, cockroaches, turtles, cats, horses, tigers, bufalloes and kangaroos activity??

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What is Birds, snakes, dogs, cockroaches, turtles, cats, horses, tigers, bufalloes and kangaroos activity??

Birds activities is flying, looking food, lay eggs, incubate.
snakes activities is hissing, crawling, prey, lay eggs.
cockroaches activities is looking for food, flying, wrecking clothes.
turtles activities is sleep, walking on the beach
cat activities is sleep, licking the body, eating fish.
horses activities is help humans carry things, interesting delman.
tigers activities hunting other animals, eating the hunted animals.
bufalloes activies is help humans plow rice fields
kangaroos activities is jumping, caring for the babies kangaroos, foraging.

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