What is social fuction of “sugestion” ?

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What is social fuction of “sugestion” ?


Suggestion is a way to give an advice to tell what should someone do in order to face a problem.

Social function of suggestion:

– to help someone who needs any advice by giving our personal opinion.

– To help in deciding something

– To help someone's problem

Here are some expressions that you can use to give a suggestion:

– What if we …?

Ex: What if we go to the cinema tonight?

– How about …?

Ex: How about making a cupcake?

– Why don't you/we …?

Ex: Why don't you do you homework?

– Let's …

Ex: Let's get something to drink

– I think we/you …

Ex: I think we should go to the meeting

– If i were you, i would …

Ex: If i were you, i would accept the invitation.

– You could/should …

Ex: You should go to the doctor to check your condition

– I suggest you to …

Ex: I suggest you to buy a new rice cooker.

– You'd better …

Ex: You'd better go home early

I hope the explanation is clear enough and meets your expectation. In addition, you can see other social functions of suggestion by visiting the links below