What is the mandarin language of these words:

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A.Carrot juice
B.Red tomato
C.Vegetable soup
D.Riding a bicycle
E.Farmer's field
F.Old chair
G.A cup of tea
H.Beach hat
I.Swimming pool
J.My father is a gardener

#Their question each gets 10 points if you can answer.

What is the mandarin language of these words:

A) Carrot juice = 胡蘿蔔汁 = Húluóbo zhī
b) Red tomato = 紅番茄 = Hóng fānqié
c) Vegetable soup = 蔬菜湯 = Shūcài tāng
d) Riding a bicycle = 騎自行車 = Qí zìxíngchē
e) Farmer's field = 農場 = Nóngchăng
f) Old chair = 老椅子 = Lăo yizi
g) A cup of tea = 一杯茶 = Yībēi chá
h) Beach hat = 海灘帽子 = Hăitān màozi
i) Swimming pool = 游泳池 = Yóuyongchí
j) My father is a gardener = 我的父親是園丁 = Wo de fùqīn shì yuándīng

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