What should the readers do if they are interested in the contest?
What should the readers do if they are interested in the contest?
If they are interested in the contest, they should submit their videos about celebrating the school anniversary (c)
Perhatikan pengumuman di atas.
To commemorate our school anniversary, there will be a video contest … (untuk memperingati ulang tahun sekolah kita, akan ada kontes video …)
Kemudian perhatikan paragraf berikut.
Submit your videos to the OSIS committee … (kirimkan ke videomu ke komite OSIS …)
Jadi, apabila pembaca tertarik untuk mengikutinya harus mengirimkan video tentang ulang tahun sekolah.
Pelajari lebih lanjut materi announcement pada brainly.co.id/tugas/4894259