a. Turn len
b. Across it
C. Go ahead
d. Turn right
Bali is…of Nusa Tenggara
a. South
b. North
c. West
d. East
8. Between south and west is….
a, South west
b. North west
c. South cast
d. North east
The bank is……of hotel
a. Across
b. Next to
c. Between
d. Behind
10. If you are facing to the east, your right hand is pointing to…
a. West
b. East
c. South
d. North
11. Can you tell me the way to museum….
a. Yes, I can
b. Yes, I do
c. No, I do not
d. Yes, please
mohon cepat di jawab ya Kakak kakak yg ada di sini
Where is the restaurant? Go ahead and then….
6 b
7 c
8 a
9 b
10 b atau gak c
11 a
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