Which statement about Earth’s rotation and its revolution is correct? *

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It takes Earth longer to rotate on its axis than revolve around the Sun.
It takes Earth longer revolve around the Sun than to rotate on its axis.
It takes Earth longer to rotate around the Sun than revolve on its axis.
It takes Earth longer revolve around the Sun than to revolve on its axis.

Which statement about Earth’s rotation and its revolution is correct? *


this is corect

-It takes Earth longer to rotate around the Sun than revolve on its axis.

Explenation / High School Earth Science

Earth's revolution around the Sun takes much longer than its rotation on its axis. One complete revolution takes 365.25 days, or one year. The Earth revolves around the Sun because gravity keeps it in a roughly circular orbit around the Sun. The Earth's orbital path is not a perfect circle, but rather an ellipse, which means that it is like a slight oval in shape (Figure 24.10).