Who was John manly ?​

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Who was John manly ?​

Who was John manly ?​


c.The Groom who looked after the stable


                                               Black Beauty

      Farmer Gray was the kindest master in the world. He was proud of me, and called me Black Beauty. I had a white spot on my forehead and one white foot. He trained me to pull a carriage. Then I learn to wear a saddle and carry a rider on my back.

   One day, Farmer Gray said, "A good horse like you do not live on a farm. So you will be going to live with Squire Gordon and his family" I was very sad to leave my mother and my home.

   However, when I saw my masters I knew I would be happy with them. They lived in a big mansion and welcomed me warmly. Mrs. Gordon was pale and ill, but she smiled when she saw me.

   The groom who looked after the stables was John Manly. He loved horses. He introduced me to Merry legs, the children's pony, Ginger, and old mare. She was not a bad horse, but had been ill-treated in the past.

Who was Mr. John Manly?

Black Beauty's new owner

A horse trainer.

The Groom who looked after the stable

Farmer Gray's brother