Why the Chad National Flag is the same as the Romanian national flag?​

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Why the Chad National Flag is the same as the Romanian national flag?​


The similarity of the two flags is a coincidence. Just like the case of identical flags in other countries, including the homeland with Monaco.

At first glance, these two flags might be exactly the same

However, on closer inspection, the blue color for the Romanian flag is lighter. And the difference stops there. The rest, these two flags are exactly the same, in dimension, and intensity of color, as well as structure, namely Tricoulour.

explanation :

The Romanian flag has been in use since 1866, and the Chadian flag has been in use since 1960, at the time of its independence from France.

This issue has been brought up at the UN, but not taken into account, as Romania have stated, that they will not change their flag.

Artinya :

Kesamaan kedua bendera itu merupakan sesuatu yang kebetulan. Sama seperti kasus bendera identik di negara-negara lain, termasuk tanah air dengan Monako.

Sekilas, kedua bendera ini mungkin sama persis

Tetapi, bila dilihat lebih dekat lagi, warna biru bagi bendera Rumania lebih muda. Dan perbedaanya berhenti disitu. Sisanya, kedua bendera ini sama persis, dalam dimensi, dan intensitas warna, serta struktur, yaitu Tricoulour.

Penjelasan :

Bendera Rumania dibentuk pada telah digunakan sejak tahun 1866, dan bendera Chad telah diggunakan sejak 1960, pada saat kemerdekaanya dari Perancis.

Masalah ini telah di bawa di PBB, tetapi tidak diperhatikan, karena Rumania telah menyatakan, bahwa mereka tidak akan mengganti bendera mereka.


semoga membantu ya ^_^