Write 10 example sentences future continious tensebeserta kalimat(+),(-),(?)nya​

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Write 10 example sentences future continious tensebeserta kalimat(+),(-),(?)nya​


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saya kasih 5(sebenarnya sulit )

i will be walking to school in the morning

(-) I'll not be walking to school in the morning

(?) will i be walking to school in the morning?

they will be eating clams later

(-) they will not be eating clams later

(?) will they be eating clams later?

he shall be perish tonight

(-) he shall not be perish tonight

(?) shall he be perish tonight?

tina will be inviting her cousin on monday

(-) tina will not be inviting her cousin on monday

(?) will tina be inviting her cousin on monday?

doni will be on Singapore at 7

(-) doni will not be on Singapore at 7

(?) will doni be on Singapore at 7?



Subject +will + be +verb "ing+ present participle

indo: kalimat i you they we he she it+ will+be + kalimat "ing+ hari ini,besok,waktu,nanti DLL

hasilnya = i will be cooking today at 5