Write descriptions of these animals :A .Elephantb. Cat. tolong dijawab yah ​

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Write descriptions of these animals :A .Elephantb. Cat. tolong dijawab yah ​


A. Elephant ,the giant mammalian on earth, has long snout that can take a water and food

B.cats ,the cute little fella that can take ur heart when they want to ask u with "meow" to playing around with them ,or when they hungry ,they would act as cute as possible for the food they like


ok, the end


A ) elephant

Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth, and they're one of the most unique-looking animals, too. With their characteristic long noses, or trunks; large, floppy ears; and wide, thick legs, there is no other animal with a similar physique.


Gajah adalah hewan darat terbesar di Bumi, dan mereka juga salah satu hewan yang tampak paling unik. Dengan hidung panjang karakteristik mereka, atau batang; telinga besar dan pendek; dan lebar, kaki tebal, tidak ada binatang lain dengan fisik yang mirip.

B ) cat

cats are cute animals that can be friends. in general, a cat has an attractive feather color, and various types of fur ranging from thick to not hairy.


kucing adalah hewan lucu yang bisa menjadi teman. pada umumnya seekor kucing memiliki warna bulu yang menarik, dan beragam jenis bulu mulai dari yag lebat hingga tak berbulu.

thx @balqis_maurer