Write the antonyms of the following words and their meanings!

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1. Lazy
2. New
3. Low
4. Cheap
5. Heavy
6. Full
7. Safe
8. Curly
9. Modern
10. Interesting

Write the antonyms of the following words and their meanings!


  • Lazy x Diligent (malas x rajin)
  • New x Old (baru x lama)
  • Low x High (rendah x tinggi)
  • Cheap x Expensive (murah x mahal)
  • Heavy x Light (berat x ringan)
  • Full x Empty (penuh x kosong)
  • Safe x Dangerous (aman x bahaya)
  • Curly x Straight (ikal x lurus)
  • Modern x Old-fashioned (modern x kuno)
  • Interesting x Boring (menarik x membosankan)

Lazy . Diligent

New . Old

Low. . High

Cheap . Expensive

Heavy. Light

Full . Empty

Safe . Danger

Curly . Straight

Modern . Tradisional

Interesting . Boring











