Write the meaning of the writer bellow!!​

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Write the meaning of the writer bellow!!​

Write the meaning of the writer bellow!!​

went = pergi

wrote = menulis

ate = makan

began = mulai

bought = membawa

gave = memberi

cut = memotong

played = bermain

studied = belajar

listened = mendengarkan

cried = menangis

collected = mengumpulkan/mengoleksi

walked = berjalan

passed = melewati/lewat

yesterday = kemarin

the day before yesterday = sehari sebelum kemarin

this morning = tadi pagi

last week = minggu lalu

last month = bulan lalu

last year = tahun lalu

just now = baru saja

five minutes ago = lima menit lalu

a few days ago = beberapa hari yang lalu