X) a, b, c,

Posted on

6) I didn't know that he … my money last
week. HOTS
a. steal
d. stole
b. stealing
e. stolen
c. steals
7. A:
B:I got success because of my mother's
prayer and my hard effort. HOTS
a. What did you do to get success?
b. Why did you want to be success?
c. How did you get your success?
d. Why can you get success?
e. When did you start your business?
8.) Citra … to Jakarta for joining a health
seminar three days ago.
a. comes
d. came
b. coming e. comes
c. has come
Try not to be absent from class again
for the rest of the semester. You … too
many classes. You … two classes just last
a. already missing – missing
b. already missed – has missed
c. have already missed – missed
d. already misses – miss
e. already missed – have missed
fo) Arlian … the first rank in the last
a. has
b. have
c. having
d. got
e. was
er 2​

X) a, b, c,


6. d. stole

7. c. how did you get your success?

8. d. came

9. e. already missed – have missed

10. d. got


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