Ayoo sini merapat
Ntar gua follow kok
Kalo jawaban nya bener
Yang bisa bantu bhs inggris merapatt ayo merapat!!
• To be + going to + V1
– She is going to eat her breakfast.
– I am going to sleep now.
– He is going to do his homework.
– We are going to play volleyball.
– They are going to cook for the dinner.
• Will + V1
– He will work in the office.
– She will draw in this lesson.
– It will decay soon.
– We will play football.
– I will practice for the competition.
Semoga membantu, jadiin jawaban terbaik ya ^^
Kalimat dengan rumus "to be + going to + verb 1"
1. She is going to go to Bandung next week
2. He is going to give a test tomorrow
3. They are going to have a meeting next Monday
4. I am going to plant some roses next Sunday
5. They are going to visit a museum next Monday
Kalimat dengan rumus "will + verb 1"
1. She will have a meeting next Friday
2. They will give a test next week
3. We will discuss the farewell party tomorrow
4. I will go to a party
5. He will speak English all the time