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l. Complete the missing words using "can" or "can't" !

1. He can sing. He has a terrible voice!

2. Does can play the guitar.

3. Doni can't drive a car.

4. They can swim.

5. Desi can't cook alone. She always needs her brother's help.

ll. Answer these questions!

1. languages – can – other – speak – she?

= Can she speak other languages?

2. He must be around here in Indonesian is

= Dia pasti ada disekitar sini.

3. Can't – he – letter – a – write

= He can't write a letter.

4. "Dapatkah kamu membuka pintu?In English is

=" Can you open the door? "

5. " Saya tidak bisa datang kerumahmu" in English is

=" I can't come to your house "


Details Jawaban:

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: 6 sd

Kode soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi : 6.5.8