You meet your old friend on your way to school. you greet him/her cheerfully,but you can not talk too long because you are in a hurry. give an excuse to your friend

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tulis percakapannya?????

You meet your old friend on your way to school. you greet him/her cheerfully,but you can not talk too long because you are in a hurry. give an excuse to your friend

Me : " haiiii 😀 OMG, so glad to see you again. how are you?
F : " i'm fine. you?
M : " i'm great. look, i'm so sorry. but i can't talk more to you, cause i'm in hurry now :'(
F: " oh my, why you in hurry? is there something wrong?"
M : " no no, my sister got an accident. so i have to go to hospital ASAP (As Soon As Possible)"
F : " what!!! you have to go now! hurry! and call me when you already meet your sister, so i can see her too 😀 here's my number 081965282912. don't forget to call me 😀
M: " ok. see you later"
F: "ok"

maap kalau salah :'v