Your advice

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: mom, I need
Mother : What's wrong my dear?
tomorrow i am going to present my report in front of my class. I don't know what will happen. i am so nervous. mom,
what should I do?
Mother : You need to prepare the material, the sources and the tool that you need. Be Confident.
Lina : Is that all Mom?
Mother: Practice your presentation in front of the mirrow, or if you want you can practice it in front of me. I will pretend to be your
Lina : Hmmmm.. i think I will practice in my room
mother : okey. Everything will be okay honey, beliave me.
Lina : Thank you so much mom
mother : sure, dear wish your presentation going smothly
Lina : thanks mom
untuk soal no 1 s/d 5 jawablah pertanyaan berdasarkan bacaan diatas
1. where does the dialog takes place?
b. canteen
c. Library
d. house
2. Why does Lina come to her mother?
to ask for food
b. to ask for permission c. to ask for advice d. to ask for agreement
3. Why is Lina Nervous?
she has a pressentation b. she doesn't have tools she needs
c. she doesn't do her presentation d. she has bad team work with her team
4. which expresion does indicate hope?
b. everything will be okay, honey c. i think I will in my room d. be confident
wish your presntation going smothly
5. how does Lina respond to her mother's hope?
giving her compliment
b. giving her gratitude c. giving her advice
d. giving her encouragement
untuk soal no sd 15. Lengkapilah dialog tersebut dengan exresi yang benar​

Your advice



2) ask for advice d. to ask for agreement

3)a.she has a pressentation

4) confident

wish your presntation going smothly

5) her gratitude